

And the core of my work.


“How am I supposed to make visible what drives me at my core and is therefore the core of my work?
How can I talk about what has shaped me in the depths without exposing others or endangering myself?”

This is a really big issue for me and so far probably the reason why I am so afraid to become visible. At the same time, what I feel at the core is so close to my heart, so anchored in the depths of my soul, that it just feels wrong to deal with anything else.

What is the core?



My own tears are welling up as I write this. It’s just there… black (well, purple ;-)) on white, in small, orderly letters. And it names a space of immeasurable depth and scope. The threads, corners and edges and tricky disguises in which hatred is hidden are incomprehensible. The ramifications in our personal lives, ancestral lines, our own soul history, society and the human collective are incredible. To the point where – if we really examine it down to the bottom of our soul – we look ourselves in the face. The original soul, which sets off on its journey into the incarnations and not only sends out its light, no, it also sends out the issues that it wants to wander through and resolve in matter. We all start with the light AND the darkness, we are all, each in our own personal form, fallen angels.


Finding the point for the approach of my work, for reconnection… that is the fine art – and actually quite simple.
It is everywhere where an issue arises, where separation is experienced, where we find ourselves in difficulties, judgments or condemnations. These stories have so many different faces – how am I supposed to say which issue I am there for when, at the core, all issues point to this one place?

That’s what I call it: I am here for this place. And therefore for people who feel that they are at the point where they need to face their deepest wound. To meet themselves in this place and learn to be there in love. It doesn’t have to be conscious, but something inside them feels that this is where it’s going.


“Why would anyone do that, isn’t it terrible?”

This question comes up and I find it very justified. Yes, it is terrible to look into the face of hatred, to encounter the devil. But the devil, at his core, is the one who brought us the diversity of life. Lucifer, the fallen angel, the one who brings us the light. We all know the stories: “You must face your shadows, for therein lies your strength” – and it’s actually nothing else.

Having the courage to face our own darkness gives birth to both our strength and the space that we no longer need to project this darkness outwards – and is therefore the deepest place where peace can be born. At the core of every person who touches and integrates these places.


I do not presume to say that I am through all the layers – then I would be Jesus and I am not. But I do presume to say that I have gone very far into the realms of the depths and heights and vastness of human consciousness. I cannot and do not want to share many of my experiences publicly, as they affect other people or are too dangerous for me to share in public. But I am looking for a way to share my experiences and make people aware that there is a way.

A way to go through the deepest shadows, a way to live through the worst crises and a way to find the light and love in all of this and give birth to it in the world. And that this is completely independent of whether and how much money you get for it, whether you get the partner of your dreams, have great sex or otherwise lead “the great life” that we all long for so much. It is the longing for a world at peace that we can follow through our deepest fears… the longing for a world in which we all feel safe and secure.


In addition to the fact that we all know the level of destruction we are capable of as humans and humanity – our light is just as great. We have the innate ability to consciously love unconditionally. And we are incredibly creative and creative beings. What would the world look like if these two abilities were to unfold their power in humans in alliance with nature!!!!

Feel it – it’s awesome! And I believe that more and more people are feeling this magic within themselves. That this world, paradise, Eden, is not just a utopia for more and more people, but that we feel: “Fuck! This could REALLY become reality!”

Yes, I believe that this can really become reality.

And that’s what I’m here for.

Now it’s out.

And you are welcome.

With love,



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